Look and you shall find

Monday, August 6, 2012


I am starting this blog with hope that I will 1) follow through with it; 2) be able to share with myself and other the ups and downs of motherhood and its challenges; 3) keep track of my journey back to myself.

There's a lot to learn, but we have to start somewhere. I am the forever planner and like to always have a plan before starting something and of course that is what it boils down to: I plan, plan, plan and do not execute too much. Or too well.

And goes for a lot of things in my life. Like a diet. I need a plan. So I research, download exercise programs, need to buy the right shoes, find the right equipment, buy the right groceries. Weeks go by and I could have lost quite a few pounds if I had just started it right there and then.

So I am trying to change things around and become more of a doer and less than a planner.

The diet is well on its way: I have lost almost 40 pounds in 9 months, since having baby Marina. Still have more to lose, but 40 pounds is not too shabby.

The house is a mess and with 3 little kids (3 under 3 anyone?) but I am surviving and slowly but surely I am making the house our home, one little project at a time (ok, maybe I do start more than one project at a time, but I have finished a few and that is not too bad either).

So I will try to get this going and learn more about how to make this blog look like what I want it to look like.

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